Our list of capabilities doesn’t reflect exactly what we are capable of.
It seems every agency lists their capabilities on their website, to make sure that whomever visits knows exactly what the agency does. But really, Pellizzi & Co. has two lists of capabilities – one that involves marketing and advertising, and one that involves who we are beyond the work we do. So here it is. To see our other list of capabilities, roll over the list below. Spoiler alert: we at P&C do a lot of the things all other agencies do, and we do them quite well.

- Brand Strategy and Planning
- Campaign Ideation and Development
- Visual Identity
- Brand Architecture
- Design and Copywriting
- Social Media Planning and Placement
- Media Buying Project Management
- Web Design and Development
- An off-the-cuff movie review
- Sports hot takes
- Television show rants
- Cringeworthy dad jokes
- Dog vs. Cat Debates
- Making Tea
- Haircut compliments
- Music Preference Discussion